Beau Business Media Group Ltd
Group Travel Today Magazine, the modern voice of group travel
Targeted at the UK’s most prolific bookers of group travel. Every reader includes overnights in some/all of their trips, whether for UK, European or Worldwide travel.
This means that they can book day trips, short breaks and tours in the UK, Europe or anywhere in the world. Such a high quality and finely tuned circulation is unique in British publishing
Group Travel Today is read by the group travel organiser in such well known organisations as Asda, Barclays, Debenhams, HSBC, John Lewis (inc. Waitrose) Lloyds, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Santander and Tesco
Plus organisations such as church groups, historical societies, food and wine groups, sports clubs, The W.I., rotary clubs, Probus, U3A and many, many more
Whilst respecting the proud traditions of group travel,
Group Travel Today is always mildly crusading and will never be afraid of
being controversial if it’s in the best interest of the group travel organiser.